Month: August 2016

Zu Sicherheit und Überwachung in Rio

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Dennis ist Doktorand am Hamburger Institut für kriminologische Sozialforschung und des DCGC-Programms.

Rezension: Sport und Kriminalität

Rezension: zusammen mit Criminologia-LogoKopie

Eine Doppelrezension, passend zu den Spielen in Rio, aber nicht nur da …

  • Nic Groombridge: Sports Criminology. A critical criminology of sports and games. 2016, Bristol, Policy Press.
  • Roger Pielke: The Edge. The War Against Cheating and Corruption in the Cutthroat World of Elite Sports. 2016, Berkeley, Roaring Forties Press.

von Nils Zurawski, Hamburg

Überwachung aus feministischer Sicht

Eine interessante Einlassung von Nicole Shephard, in der sie eine stärkere feministische Perspektive in der Forschung zu Überwachung einfordert.

Surveillance is woven into our everyday lives. While this in itself is not new, what we experience today differs in scale from, say, covert surveillance photos of suffragettes, tabs on unions and protesters during the Cold War era, or even the practices of the GDR’s Stasi.

While feminist work on surveillance is emerging academically as well as in activist circles, all too often feminist issues on the one hand, and discussions around privacy and surveillance on the other still feel like separate domains. What follows is my attempt at emphasising that thinking them together makes a lot of sense. (see: Nicole Shephard: 5 reasons why surveillance is a feminist issue)