Workshop: Spacecowboys

Spacecowboys – a workshop about hybrid spaces :: May 6-7, 2008 ::
Z33, Hasselt, Belgium :: 15-20 participants within a wide range of disciplines

Our feeling of space and place changes and refreshes constantly through the
interaction and communication possibilities of new media. Locations and
environments may be altered from public to a private and from concrete to
virtual through mobile technologies. These hybrid spaces create emotional
and aesthetic possibilities for artists to experiment with. How do artists
work with hybrid space and how do they make us aware of the social and
cultural implications?

This workshop will be moderated by John Hopkins. Speakers & guests: Armin
Medosh, Anne Nigten, Jeanne van Heeswijk, Eric Kluitenberg, Kurt Vanhoutte,
Peter Westenberg, Maja Kuzmanovic and Pieter van Bogaert.

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