Vorladung wegen SMS Nachrichten

Ein amerikanischer Kollege machte mich auf diese Meldung aufmerksam: City Subpoenas Creator of Text Messaging Code

Im Prinzip geht es darum, dass die Erfinder von Massen SMS, jetzt von einem US-Gericht vorgeladen worden sind, um Daten und Kontakte sowie alle Nachrichten preiszugeben – u.a. geht es auch um SMS, die während des Parteitages der Republican Party verschickt worden sind.

Although the service, called TXTmob, was widely used by demonstrators, reporters and possibly even police officers, little was known about its inventors. Last month, however, the New York City Law Department issued a subpoena to Tad Hirsch, a doctoral candidate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who wrote the code that created TXTmob.

Lawyers representing the city in lawsuits filed by hundreds of people arrested during the convention asked Mr. Hirsch to hand over voluminous records revealing the content of messages exchanged on his service and identifying people who sent and received messages. Mr. Hirsch says that some of the subpoenaed material no longer exists and that he believes he has the right to keep other information secret.

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