Neues Buch zu Ãœberwachung in unserem Alltag

Hier ist mal was zum Lesen. Es erscheint zwar erst im Herbst… also ist dieses nur ein Hinweis zum Merken für später. Die Surveillance Studies etablieren sich weiter… im Moment verstärkt leider nur außerhalb Deutschlands… aber wird sich auch hier langsam ändern..

Surveillance and Security: Technological Politics and Power in Everyday Life

Edited by Torin Monahan (Routledge, 2006)
ISBN: 0415953936

This book critically investigates the politics of surveillance technologies in everyday life. From biometric technologies at airports and borders, to video surveillance in schools, to radio frequency identification (RFID) tags in hospitals, to magnetic-strips on welfare food cards ˆ surveillance technologies integrate into all aspects of modern life, but with varied effects for different populations.

Contributors include: Peter Adey, Heather Cameron, Nancy Campbell, Simon Cole, Lane DeNicola, Aaron Doyle, Virginia Eubanks, Jill Fisher, Laura Huey, Institute for Applied Autonomy, Cindi Katz, Andrew Lakoff, David Lyon, Gary Marx, Torin Monahan, Henry Pontell, Irma van der Ploeg, Kevin Walby, and Langdon Winner.


    1. Questioning Surveillance and Security, Torin Monahan
    2. The State Goes Home: Local Hypervigilance of Children and the Global Retreat from Social Reproduction, Cindi Katz
    3. Soft Surveillance: The Growth of Mandatory Volunteerism in Collecting Personal Information — „Hey Buddy Can You Spare a DNA?‰, Gary T. Marx
    4. Everyday Insecurities: The Microbehavioral Politics of Intrusive Surveillance, Nancy D. Campbell
    5. Indoor Positioning and Digital Management: Emerging Surveillance Regimes in Hospitals, Jill A. Fisher
    6. Technologies of Citizenship: Surveillance and Political Learning in the Welfare System, Virginia Eubanks
    7. The Surveillance Curriculum: Risk Management and Social Control in the Neoliberal School, Torin Monahan
    8. „Don‚t Be Low Hanging Fruit‰: Identity Theft as Moral Panic, Simon A. Cole and Henry N. Pontell
    9. Cop Watching in the Downtown Eastside: Exploring the Use of (Counter) Surveillance as a Tool of Resistance, Laura Huey, Kevin Walby, and Aaron Doyle
    10. Defensive Surveillance: Lessons from the Republican National Convention, Institute for Applied Autonomy
    11. Borderline Identities: The Enrollment of Bodies in the Technological Reconstruction of Borders, Irma van der Ploeg
    12. „Divided We Move‰: The Dromologics of Airport Security and Surveillance, Peter Adey
    13. Why Where You Are Matters: Mundane Mobilities, Transparent Technologies, and Digital Discrimination, David Lyon
    14. Using Intelligent Transport Systems to Track Buses and Passengers, Heather Cameron
    15. The Bundling of Geospatial Information with Everyday Experience, Lane DeNicola
    16. Techniques of Preparedness, Andrew Lakoff

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