Nachdenken über Corona: Surveillance Studies

Blink, der Blog des Journals Surveillance & Society, hat gerade eine neue Serie mit Beiträgen zu Corona gestartet. Den Auftakt macht Marina Levina, u.a. Autorin von  Pandemics and the Media (2015) mit ihrem Beitrag zu Living and Thinking through a Pandemic.

I have argued before and I will argue again that a pandemic gives us an intense and unflinching focus on that which always has always been true — a problem of health is determined by meaning we, as a society, attach to what it means to live in an infected and/or diseased body, be it a national, a global, or an individual one. The current debate about vulnerability and sacrifice is fully dependent on already established norms the society holds of “pre-existing” conditions as wholly the fault and responsibility of individuals as supposed environmental, sociopolitical, and economic factors.