Das Journal of Cultural Analytics bringt ein Special zum Thema
Data Cultures, Culture as Data
heraus bzw. hat jetzt schon die Einführung dazu veröffentlicht, die Artikel sind alle im Erscheinen und folgen wohl in Kürze. Die Einleitung kann man aber bereits lesen, und ich finde es lohnt sich – hier ein Auszug…
Data have become pervasive in research in the humanities and the social sciences. New areas, objects, and situations for study have developed; and new methods for working with data are shepherded by new epistemologies and (potential) paradigm shifts. But data didn’t just happen to us. We have happened to data. In every field, scholars are drawing boundaries between data and humans as if making meaning with data is innocent work. But these boundaries are never innocent. Questions are emerging about the relationships of culture to data—urgent questions that focus on the codification (or code-ification) of social and cultural bias and the erosion of human agency, subjectivity, and identity.
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