In Mailand, Italien werden künfitg wohl auch bewegliche, in der Tat fliegende Kameras, für Aufklärung sorgen. Der Corriere della Sera (4.Juni 2007) berichtet:
Helicopter-mounted cameras will monitor city streets and squares, seeking out unlicensed waste dumps and building sites. Drone-like devices with video game-style controls.
Hier findet nicht nur eine zusätzliche Überwachung Mailand statt, sondern es zeigen sich dabei auch Züge einer Militarisierung ziviler Kontrolle in einem urbanen Raum:
The miniature helicopter exploits same technology as drones, the pilotless aircraft used in military operations or for spying.The two units purchased by Milan’s city authorities will reinforce a system of video surveillance so extensive that it is comparable elsewhere in Europe only to London’s. In flight, the cameras are operated like a video game.In fact, the American Air Force is considering recruiting X-Box generation pilots who have spent years twiddling the controls of a game console.
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