Über Spione, Informanten und Subversionen…

Das Statewatch Journal widmet sich in seiner neuesten Ausgabe dem Thema “Informants, spies and subversion”. Und zu Überwachung und ähnlichem ist auch reichlich dabei:

  • A duty to inform? The outsourcing of state surveillance responsibilities to the British public
  • Shining a light on deadly informers: The de Silva report on the murder of Pat Finucane
  • Secrets and lies: undercover police operations raise more questions than answers
  • “Grassing”: the use and impact of informants in the War on Terror
  • “Every Man a Capitalist”: The long history of monitoring “unsuitable” workers in the UK
  • Neighbourhood patrols, vigilantism and counter-vigilantism in Spain
  • Sanctions for stowaways: how merchant shipping joined the border police

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