Das Constitution Committee des britischen House of Lords hat seinen Bericht zur staatlichen Ãœberwachung vorgelegt: Surveillance: Citizens and the State.
Der erste Paragraph erklärt, in wünschenswerter Deutlichkeit:
1. Surveillance is an inescapable part of life in the UK. Every time we make a telephone call, send an email, browse the internet, or even walk down our local high street, our actions may be monitored and recorded. To respond to crime, combat the threat of terrorism, and improve administrative efficiency, successive UK governments have gradually constructed one of the most extensive and technologically advanced surveillance systems in the world.
Danach behandelt der Bericht vor allem rechtliche Aspekte staatlicher Überwachung, von Videokameras bis DNA-Datenbanken. David Wood hat in seinem Blog den umfangreichen Bericht kommentiert und analysiert. Für ihn ist der Bericht
probably the best parliamentary report on surveillance I have ever read, and if only half of the recommendations are given any attention by the government, then Britain will be a much better place.
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