Sport und Überwachung

Gerade erschienen, rechtzeitig zu den Olympischen Spielen in Sotchi: die neue Ausgabe von Surveillance & Society, herausgegeben von Ian Warren und mir.

Surveillance & Society
Vol 11, No 4 : Surveillance and Sport edited by Ian Warren and Nils Zurawski.


  • Andrew Manley and Michael Silk: ‘Liquid London: Sporting Spectacle, Britishness & Ban-optic Surveillance’
  • Simone Eisenhauer, Daryl Adair and Tracy Taylor: ‘Fifa-isation: Security, brand protection and media management at the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa’
  • Chad Whelan: ‘Surveillance, security and sporting mega events: toward a research agenda on the organisation of security networks’
  • Fred Mason: ‘Watching the Watchers: A Visual Sociology Essay on Control, Security and Surveillance at Olympic Women’s Soccer in Glasgow’
  • Kevin Dixon: ‘The role of surveillance in the construction of authentic football fandom practice’
  • Ian Warren, Darren Palmer and Chad Whelan: ‘Surveillance, Governance and Professional Sport’
  • Honorata Jakubowska: ‘Gender verification in sport as a surveillance practice – inside and outside perceptions’
  • Anthony Rees, Tom Gibbons and Kevin Dixon: ‘The Surveillance of Racing Cyclists in Training: A Bourdieusian Perspective’
  • Sarah Teetzel and Charlene Weaving: ‘From Silence to Surveillance: Examining the Aftermath of a Canadian University Doping Scandal’
  • April D Henning: ‘(Self-)Surveillance, Anti-Doping, and Health in Non-Elite Road Running’
  • Elaine Verna Cook and Kim D. Dorsch: ‘Monitoring in Youth Sport: A Paradigm Shift’

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