Hier findet ihr ein paar neue Texte von Gary T. Marx. Lohnen tut sich der eine oder andere bestimmt.
“Your Papers Please”: Personal and Professional Encounters With Surveillance in D. Lyon, K. Ball and K. Haggerty (eds.) International Handbook of Surveillance Studies, Routledge, forthcoming – http://web.mit.edu/gtmarx/www/survhandbook.html
“Foreword: Privacy is Not Quite Like the Weather†in D. Wright and P. de Hert, Privacy Impact Assessment, Springer, forthcoming – http://web.mit.edu/gtmarx/www/forewordnotlikeweather.html
“Agents Provocateurs as a Type of Faux Activist†in Snow, D. Della Porta, D., Klandermans, B. and McAdam, D. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements. Blackwell, forthcoming – http://web.mit.edu/gtmarx/www/agentsprovocateursfaux.html
“In Gratitude: The Right Chemistry, Timing, Place and Organization†– Remarks on 5 decades of research, mentoring and teaching on receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Las Vegas, 2011.  http://web.mit.edu/gtmarx/www/sssp.html